New Earth Living

Sun crystals

The New Earth is a frequency, not a place.

Allow the majesty of the natural world & the wisdom of your own soul to lead you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

We are at a place in history and herstory where humanity is waking up to the multi-dimensionality & inter-connectivity of our shared reality. The invitation at this time is to let the past go and rise up into the higher frequencies of Love that are now available to us. A New Earth - one that celebrates all Beings as sovereign and honours each individuals unique gifts and skills in unity and prosperity consciousness.

The time is now! As the old ways are dismantled and humanity awakens, the New Earth is emerging, like a Phoenix from the ashes. Just as the love of power is being transformed into the power of love, new, greener solutions are being implemented that are kinder to our Earth.

Its our intention to continue to restore and renovate our grand old lady Manor House, invite the natural world in and become as sustainable as possible. We have started small with our own composting and planting our own herb garden. We have donated, repurposed and up-purposed as much as we could. Plans are afoot to replace the old, red-diesel boiler with an eco-friendly one and to install solar. We have added a water purification system onto the mains to combat the hard water that is synonyms with this area, and a filtering system for drinking water.

For us, the New Earth is about taking the whole eco-system into account and we do whatever we can to minimise our carbon footprint. Our aim is to invite the natural world in and make Mother Earth smile.